Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für impermanence im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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impermanence SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In this world, there is no becoming, change, or impermanence.
This is because the realization of the impermanence and interdependence of selves in society and nature entails the deepest respect for all.
Through casts of the human body, the artist intended to preserve the impermanence of the body as a source of pain, trauma and truth.
Other reasons for the prevalence of suffering concern the concepts of impermanence and illusion ("maya").
His death (in 1181, age 64) highlights the themes of impermanence and fall of the mighty.
Subsequent years living with relatives brought increasing isolation and a near absolute sense of impermanence.
By denying what is true, for example, the truth of impermanence, we live in a world of illusion and enchantment.
Since everything is in a constant state of impermanence or flux, individuals experience dissatisfaction with the fleeting events of life.
These violent gangster thrillers typically focus on men bound by honor and loyalty, at odds with contemporary values of impermanence and expediency.
These last three lines underscore a sense of anonymity (and insignificance) in numbers, dirty vulgarity, and impermanence.

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