Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für interact im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Characters move and interact with people and enemies on a field map, which may represent a variety of settings, such as towers, caves, and forests.
We think with signs, though we don't eat, breathe, or physically interact with them.
If it is interacted with, the logo will spawn a gamer character.
Throughout the voyage, the various passengers meet and interact.
Multimedia teaching will bring students into a class where they can interact with the teacher and the subject.
However, even in games with a linear story, players interact with the game world by performing a variety of actions along the way.
They can present problems with other on board devices and also can produce unwanted torque by interacting with the magnetosphere.
Under thermal conditions it is used to recognize the preferences of lipids to closely interact with another lipid that has similar or different properties.
If one could speak with angels, it was believed one could directly interact with them.
Children were encouraged to interact by drawing a picture of what made them feel safe, and then to add it to the wall.

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