Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für kinematics im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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kinematics SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is also important to consider that present day kinematics are unlikely to be the same as when deformation began.
Inverse kinematics is the process of determining the parameters of a jointed flexible object (a kinematic chain) in order to achieve a desired pose.
Character animation was made possible with motion editing for inverse and forward kinematics.
These studies have been made possible by the remarkable similarities among disparate species locomotive kinematics and dynamics, despite differences in morphology and size.
The ten chapters are composed of 4 on kinematics, 3 on quaternion methods, and 3 on electromagnetism.
These names for the first, second and third derivative of position are commonly used in basic kinematics.

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