Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für middleman im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Arabisch » Englisch)

middleman <a middleman; middlemen> SUBST

middleman WIRTSCH (professions)
middleman WIRTSCH
middleman WIRTSCH (professions)
middleman WIRTSCH (professions)

act as a broker or jobber or middleman VERB

Beispielsätze für middleman

act as a broker or jobber or middleman

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

However, where this is unduly delayed, the young man may be reminded through a middleman.
Some critics argue that a retail middleman between donor and charity is unnecessary; donors should just give.
His father was a middleman in the diamond trade.
A factor is a middleman who buys something to resell it.
In order to prevent any more people to be fleeced by the middleman, the duo set out to bash him.
By this point, a significant percentage of the commission was paid to the middleman, and the other portion was to be paid after contract fulfillment.
The company also acts as the middleman through which he produces his licensed comics work.
He maintained correspondence with many of them, often acting as a middleman in communications between escaped slaves and those left behind.
Some growers have created cooperatives of their own to cut out the middleman.
There was no middleman in the form of a local games store; subscribers got their games delivered right to their homes.

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