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Übersetzungen für modern art im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It's a kind of fake adult art, a weak and passionless imitation of all sorts of old hat modern art.
Certainly lovers of modern art will abhor the sentimentality of the genre.
This legislation led to an aggressive and oppressive smear campaign in order to curb and stamp out modern art.
Postmodern art sees the blurring between the high and fine arts with low-end and commercial art; modern art started to experiment with this blurring.
His work was compared to that of his ancestors, neither of whom were considered contenders in the commercial business of modern art.
Different motifs including floral element, solar element and recently even modern art are depicted in this saree.
The seminal group had a major impact on the evolution of modern art in the 20th century and the creation of expressionism.
He worked in paint, ink, and pottery, and his style ranged over many schools of modern art: abstract, expressionist and impressionist, among others.
A falling star of the modern art of the mobile sculptures.
Despite having traditionality ingrained in her personality, she took part in modern art.

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