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Übersetzungen für moniker im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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moniker <moniker; monikers> SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Her performance was described as spellbinding and earned her many admirers and the moniker of musical genius from critics.
Perhaps to remind himself of the shame his moniker brings, he wears a pair of pantyhose around his waist like a belt.
Both labels released compilations featuring the band, but the band was forced to change its name upon discovering another band already using their moniker.
In the spring of 1994, the last line-up of this band decided to quit and reform under a new moniker with a different musical approach.
By the end of the 1990s, the corporate raider moniker was used less frequently as private equity firms pursued different tactics than their predecessors.
Six contracted stick-up men in black suits -- each given a color-based moniker chosen by their employer -- and their two bosses finish up breakfast at a greasy diner.
It is a long-awaited ordinance some hail as a path to reclaiming the mural capital moniker.
Cage would later adopt the inventor moniker and deny that he was in fact a composer.
Eventually, it became something of a moniker for the engine and was dubbed the official title externally.
The name did not take long to become very popular, although the moniker has never become official.

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