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Übersetzungen für monotheism im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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monotheism <monotheism; monotheisms> SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It undergoes different theologies from polytheism to monotheism and monism, though monism is the final and overall focus point for the present yuga.
The punishment mentioned in these verses is a show of lenience to them because they were originally adherents to monotheism.
Yet he also put forward arguments that suggested that polytheism had much to commend it in preference to monotheism.
It is often aptly termed monistic theism and even open monotheism by some scholars, but is not purely polytheistic as outsiders perceive it to be.
This system he called panentheism, a combination of monotheism and pantheism.
It was plainly a by-product of ethical monotheism...
This theory was largely abandoned in the 19th century in favour of an evolutionary progression from animism via polytheism to monotheism, but by 1974 this theory was less widely held.
The excesses of polytheism were deplored and the idea of monotheism was encouraged.
The view that monotheism is a more evolved than polytheism has been disconfirmed by evidence: monotheism is more prevalent in hunter societies than in agricultural societies.
A few individuals, the "hanifs", had apparently rejected polytheism in favor of monotheism unaffiliated with any particular religion.

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