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Übersetzungen für motivators im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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motivators ADMIN

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These events create contentions within society and act as motivators towards social protests and rebellion.
Their top motivators are altruism, customer orientation (the desire to truly satisfy customers), inspiration, achievement, social contact, identity and purpose, learning, creativity, contribution or legacy, and fun and enjoyment.
She held that wives had an important role to play as the nurturers and motivators of the striking men, but not as fellow workers.
One of his motivators was the diagnosis of his 13 year old son with end stage kidney failure through a rare genetic mutation.
Unless the service is extraordinarily bad, it is unlikely to countervail these motivators.
Another challenge is that the initial motivators for weight loss - health concerns, an upcoming class reunion, a tropical vacation - often fade.

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