Englisch » Arabisch

multiphase ADJ

multiphase current ELEK

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The purpose of the study was to investigate the complex multiphase hydrodynamic flow behaviour in a three-phase oil and gas separator.
A number of novel multiphase metering techniques, employing a variety of technologies, have been developed which eliminate the need for three-phase separator deployment.
A similar scheme (multiphase cooling) can be by a multistage evaporative cooler.
It is possible to avoid the multiphase slip ring assembly (see brushless doubly fed electric machines), but there are problems with efficiency, cost and size.
Besides network modeling and transient multiphase simulation, flow assurance involves effectively handling many solid deposits, such as, gas hydrates, asphaltene, wax, scale, and naphthenates.
The project will enable realization of the great performance potential of these materials through development of novel multiphase and hybrid nanocomposites.

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