Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für multistorey im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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multistorey SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She was banned from going into rivers, canals or open water, loitering on bridges, going on to railway lines or entering multistorey car parks unaccompanied.
In 1839 the two mills were connected by a further multistorey block.
Additionally, the owners of such multistorey garages must perform an annual inspection with dated photographs, which are to be compiled in the register.
The most obvious, owing to its size and intensity, is this multistorey bird.
An alternative was to create "student villages" - multistorey apartments with a central courtyard and some shared facilities, the report said.
In 2002, a new multistorey complex was built; it includes a cafe and a large lecture theatre.
You sometimes suspect they have disappeared from holiday towns in direct proportion to the rise of multistorey beachside apartments.
Car parking is plentiful in multistorey and ground-level car parks around the site.
When he comes back from lunch, he has to park on the third floor of the multistorey car park and take the stairs.
A multistorey car park with space for 500 cars was also built at this time.

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