Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für nastily im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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nastily ADV

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I don't mean that nastily, but if you see them at the corner shop or with pyjamas on, they've got nothing.
I found it laboured, clumsy and for a film designed to provoke laughs, nastily and unacceptably violent.
It is not necessarily a sign of parents who are ridiculous or unhappy or nastily controlling.
One of the finest players in the league petulantly and nastily kicked back at a prone player, catching him on the head.
It was all nastily reprehensible, but people kept viewing, transfixed, like they were watching a horrible car crash happening in front of their eyes, in "delicious" slow motion.
And there will be no serious revision of the colonial past despite the fact that it has been, periodically and nastily, merging with the present.
It begins on the street, nastily.
The manner in which she spoke was bitter and contemptuous and nastily tribal.
There were attempts by the highest in the land -- including his noble lordship who could at times be nastily ignoble -- to halt the statue's installation.
Build others up before yourself and talk well, not nastily, about others in public.

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