Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für not more than im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Arabisch » Englisch)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Debt levels above that are deductable only if they are not more than 110 per cent of the worldwide group's gearing.
No matter how large and plenteous a child cloth could be it can not more than the rags of the elders.
It contains not more than 5% of anionic surfactants, nonionic surfactants, 15-30% of sodium carbonate, sodium percarbonate (the bleaching compound), and a perfume formula containing limonene.
The chances are that not more than four or five of the 26 will get a look-in in the first list of new bankers.
Its width across strike is not more than 5 kilometres.
The privacy commissioner's guidelines say the information should be erased according to a standard schedule, with a retention period of not more than 30 days being preferable.
The act provided that not more than 900,000 men were to be in training at any one time, and it limited service to 12 months.
She was convicted for check forgery, for falsely making, or altering a check with a total value greater than $250, but not more than $2,500, a felony charge.
Expatriate student admitted at that time were not more than 33% of students.
These orders have two components; a custodial sentence of not more than two years and a treatment and supervision component.

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