Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für pedlar im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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pedlar <a pedlar; pedlars> SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The pedlar meets a donkey and asks him if he might carry the heavy pack for two gold pieces.
Nonetheless, they generally settled in rural areas where they subsisted typically as pedlars and hawkers.
The hedge-sparrow finds a scarlet blanket in the pedlars wares that he wishes to purchase.
Pedlars carry all their trade goods on their back.
The post resulted in a flood of internet commentary resentful of the favouritism shown to minority groups, exemplified by what was considered the exorbitant reimbursement price offered to the pedlars.
They fight, and the pedlar wins again, and refuses to hold his hand, or tell his name, until they had told them theirs.
He leaves, and is adopted by a woodcutter, but the woodcutter's great-granddaughter sells him to a pedlar-woman for a dress.
The reason was to give local pedlars a legal place for vending their merchandise.
The pedlar had met his wife while in the army, and she died young.
He borrows money from the pedlar and goes off to the town on a spending spree, returning in expensive grotesque clothes.

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