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Übersetzungen für philosophize im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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philosophize VERB

philosophize PHILOS
philosophize PHILOS

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Two categories of problem concerning reason have long been discussed by philosophers concerning reason, essentially being reasonings about reasoning itself as a human aim, or philosophizing about philosophizing.
Most of the time he is philosophizing his ideas with his moods.
Women can not play chess, but they can not paint either, or write, or philosophize.
While it's true that there isn't much call for philosophizing, philosophy teaches those who study it how to think and evaluate arguments effectively.
Not only is such armchair philosophizing unnecessary, but it threatens to trivialize remarkably complex feelings and actions.
Somehow this cucumber and prickly pear click, however -- and after a night of drinking and philosophizing, the two go to bed.
To philosophize is to learn how to die.
With deep winter upon us and the weather growing colder, even the wood smoke out of the neighbors' chimneys could be described as philosophizing.
When they philosophize about value investing, however, it makes me a little uneasy.
These philosophers, he clainms, teach us how to think or philosophize in the postmodern condition, in an age when the grand rcits or metanarratives have lost their legitimating power.

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