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Übersetzungen für pine wood im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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pine wood HOLZ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They were produced from soot, usually produced by burning pine wood, mixed with animal glue.
This mill was operated by steam, the fuel being sometimes coal and sometimes pitch pine wood.
He started construction of the 15-inch gauge rail line in 1975, originally mainly using it to transport clay and pine wood fuel to his kiln.
Freshly cut eastern white pine is creamy white or a pale straw color but pine wood which has aged many years tends to darken to a deep rich tan.
Two or three have marble slabs and as many more are marked by pine wood boards painted in imitation of marble...
The heating (dry distilling) of pine wood causes tar and pitch to drip away from the wood and leave behind charcoal.
This is surrounded by pine wood and has a large lake with a narrow-gauge railway.
The fungus causes brown rot of pine wood, in which cellulose and hemicellulose are broken down, leading to brown discoloration and shrinkage of wood.
Small greens and heavy pine wood surrounding the course further complicates matters.
The countryside, already attractive, was enhanced by planting a luxuriant pine wood around a small lake.

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