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Übersetzungen für pleiotropy im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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This is in contrast to pleiotropy, where a single gene may cause multiple phenotypic expressions or disorders.
In one experiment with mice and the morphology of the mandible, 1/5 of the loci had effects of pleiotropy for the entire mandible.
Some aspects of bacterial senescence may lend support to contemporary theories of aging, including the free radical, antagonistic pleiotropy, and disposable soma theories.
Antagonistic pleiotropy is a prevailing theory today, but this is largely by default, and not because the theory has been well verified.
Rose's laboratory has conducted the longest-running artificial selection experiment designed to test the theory of antagonistic pleiotropy.
In the context of development the difference between pleiotropy and epistasis is not so clear but at the genetic level the distinction is more clear.
Genetic pleiotropy refers to genes that have multiple effects.
Traditionally, it has been expected that evolutionary rate of genes is related negatively with pleiotropy; however, this has not been clearly found in empirical studies.
In antagonistic pleiotropy, genes carry effects that are both beneficial and detrimental.
Antagonistic pleiotropy has been identified both in model organisms and in humans.

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