Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für plunderer im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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plunderer <a plunderer; plunderers> SUBST

plunderer JUR
plunderer JUR
plunderer JUR

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Intact burials are frequently very poor ones, the ancient plunderers having known well that they were not worth the trouble of investigation.
Why should the expensive plant and machinery be exposed to plunderers?
He also taught the youth to band together and fight despots and plunderers.
Otherwise, they'll be continuing to play second fiddle to their own plunderers and thieves.
Yet, nothing happens to the plunderers and vandals, while the old people for whom the monies were originally intended die daily like poisoned rats.
The "gallglaigh" furnished the retreating plunderers with a moving line of defence from which the horsemen could make short, sharp charges, and behind which they could retreat when pursued.
The plunderers (shabbaye) will spread over the earth, in the valleys and on mountain tops, and they will enslave women, children and men, old and young....
The site was vandalized by plunderers since the beginning of the last century, had excavated the site removing artifacts and by farmers that cultivated on the structures.
When her husband made his appearance, and knew how gallantly the plunderers had been repulsed, his joy was only equaled by admiration of his wife's heroism.
They had the character of being plunderers and assassins, but excused their depredations by pretending that the whole country were at war with them.

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