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Übersetzungen für pompously im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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pompously ADV

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The store says pompously that its focus groups declare that separate floors for boys' and girls' toys were unpopular with customers.
And the trouble is, brief authority often concerns itself pompously with the most trivial of causes.
There were also attitudes -- or what might be called, more pompously, the philosophy of the paper.
And, instead of coldly shutting us down or pompously pulling rank or angrily flaring up, he has listened.
We praise ourselves for our own progression and evolvement, stating pompously how far we have advanced or how tolerant of a society we now live in.
Well, that's putting it pompously but constructing.
This is why we can speculate, be pundits or pompously berate anyone that doesn't agree with our won enlightened knowledge.
Poisonous politicians are carnally cantankerous, critically incorrect, increasingly indecorous, deeply dishonest, highly hypocritical, pompously prideful, morally bankrupt, insignificantly productive, uncivilized, self-centred, and wicked!
Junior critics have pompously opined on its deplorable humanism and provincialism in contrast with those thrilling avant-gardists sur le continong.
She indicated an artificial closure by declaring pompously that now the nation can move on.

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