Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für port side im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She suffered numerous hull breaches on her starboard side and one on her port side.
Almost the entire hull has collapsed, except for a portion that is held up by the port side boiler.
The port side of the tailplane had an inverted aerofoil section to counter roll-axis torque produced by the propellor.
One crashes into the port side of the flight deck, damaging it badly.
This plane was strafing on its way in and hit the port side ripping the main deck all the way into midships.
His aim was not as accurate as his predecessor, and he bounced off the port side, above the water line, to explode and burn alongside.
The smoking section, located on the port side, was accessible from the first-class smoking room.
They have a second passenger lounge, on the port side, reducing the capacity of the car deck to 12.
A hole, 24 feet by 27 feet, had been torn in the port side of the midships pump-room.
Back-to-back with the bombardiers seat, the flight engineer/ventral gunner sat on the port side, his seat facing to the rear.

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