Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für presentiment im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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presentiment <presentiment; presentiments> SUBST

have a presentiment or foreboding of VERB

Beispielsätze für presentiment

have a presentiment or foreboding of

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We might get a presentiment that they have, based on the four large paintings introducing the show.
Could we use the power of presentiment to predict the future?
The atmospheric perspective invites the eyes to roam over emptiness, a roving that permits nothing more than a diaphanous, mystical presentiment of another world.
His wife has a presentiment of something wrong and tries to stop him from going fishing that night.
Wolfram, who loves her with faithful devotion, has a presentiment of her death.
Debt-burdened consumers know that this must happen sooner rather than later, and this presentiment probably helps sour the national mood.
The truth is self-consistent where it is not obscured with error and approves itself as the power of life; philosophy is only a presentiment of it.
The memory of this trip is transformed (in his imagination or in his thoughts) into an ambiguous presentiment of death, or of termination of something.
Sometimes he presentiments due to his intuition cherokee, which are always correct.
It gives a presentiment, an inspiration of heavenly knowledge.

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