Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für promisee im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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promisee SUBST

promisee (relations)
promisee JUR (relations)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

An option contract can provide some security to the promisee in the above scenario.
Basically, the consideration is provided by the promisee's beginning of performance.
Although consideration must move from the promisee, it does not necessarily have to move to the promisor.
This is because the consideration for the contract was the performance of the promisee.
In either case, a third-party contract differs from agency in that the promisee acts in his own name and for himself, whereas an agent or representative does not.
If the third party brings an action, and the promisee does so afterwards then the promisee can not claim any damages.
In unilateral contracts, the promisor seeks acceptance by performance from the promisee.
Therefore, the only reliance that the promisee must demonstrate is the actual making of the part payment.
These estoppels can be invoked when a promisee/representee wishes to enforce a promise/representation when no consideration was provided by him.
For example, a task requiring specialized skills or based on the unique characteristics of the promisee can not be delegated.

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