Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für raindrop im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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raindrop <a raindrop; raindrops> SUBST GEOG

raindrop impact GEOL

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This configuration reduces conflicts between vehicles entering the raindrop roundabouts from the ramps, reducing queueing and delays, compared with the dumbbell interchange.
For them, raindrops know nothing and lizards know very little, and some humans are more knowledgeable than others.
As the rain pours outside and raindrops cover the windows, she sings the first verse while changing her smart clothes for more casual ones.
He was a keen observer of atmospheric phenomena encouraging others to look skyward to see the optical effects of clouds, raindrops, and ice crystals.
In "splash erosion", the impact of a falling raindrop creates a small crater in the soil, ejecting soil particles.
This is useful to the insect, as an average raindrop is over fifty times heavier than they are.
Other discontinuities include the formation of raindrops, hailstones, and snowflakes.
Some examples that were used throughout the scroll were autumn grasses and raindrops.
Next, the viewer is presented with an incident: slowly, raindrops begin to send minuscule ripples through a canal, a breeze picks up, birds take flight.
A random pattern of green dashes, called raindrops, was applied in places to improve the camouflage effect.

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