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Übersetzungen für ray tracing im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Before the advent of the computer, ray tracing calculations were performed by hand using trigonometry and logarithmic tables.
These range from the distinctly non-realistic wireframe rendering through polygon-based rendering, to more advanced techniques such as: scanline rendering, ray tracing, or radiosity.
Such ray tracing techniques are used to describe optical phenomena such as rainbow of halo on hexagonal ice crystals for large particles.
In ray tracing, bounding volumes are used in ray-intersection tests, and in many rendering algorithms, they are used for viewing frustum tests.
The ray tracing algorithm is inherently suitable for scaling by parallelization of individual ray renders.
Doing the same effect in ray tracing requires the ray to proceed from the first hit on the quad through several more layering quads.

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