Englisch » Arabisch

reproducible ADJ

reproducible goods WIRTSCH

reproducible tangible wealth WIRTSCH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This method is fast, reproducible and accurate, and can be used on-line on the cast shop floor.
Quantitative palpation of anatomical landmarks for measurements must occur according to strict protocols if one wishes to achieve reproducible measurements.
A reproducible, recordable severity measure is essential to be able to monitor progress or regression of the disease and to evaluate potential new therapeutic modalities.
These benchmarks should be reproducible and an impartial measure of system dependability, reliability, and availability.
Other concerns of neural tissue engineering include establishing safe sources of stem cells and getting reproducible results from treatment to treatment.
The screening motion is recordable and optimal operating data are reproducible at any time eventuating to constant product quality.

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