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Übersetzungen für repurchase agreements im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Arabisch » Englisch)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The network of shadow lenders that keeps banks stocked with short-term loans -- called repurchase agreements, or repos -- buckled under the pressure.
Discount instruments, like repurchase agreements, are issued at a discount of the face value, and their maturity value is the face value.
This situation is more common in the repo (repurchase agreements) markets where the same money principles apply.
Overnight reverse repurchase agreements are part of the new playbook.
This additional capital can be raised by issuing auction rate securities, preferred stock, long-term debt, and/or reverse-repurchase agreements.
The drop was partly offset by repurchase agreements with other banks.
The core of the money market consists of interbank lendingbanks borrowing and lending to each other using commercial paper, repurchase agreements and similar instruments.
Borrowing costs increased $250 thousand this quarter compared to the prior quarter mostly due to higher rates paid on federal funds and repurchase agreements.
Balance sheet management activities decreased reverse repurchase agreements -- non-trading and deposits by banks by $2.8bn and $1.1bn respectively, as well as $0.4bn of debt securities matured during the quarter.
With repurchase agreements exactly the same security is returned to the investor, while with dollar rolls the investor buys a substantially similar--but not necessarily identical--security.

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