Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für resource room im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They may also go to a resource room for certain subjects in which the student is semi-proficient.
Academically, a resource room may be available within the school for specialized instruction, with typically no more than two hours per day of services for a student with learning disabilities.
In the elementary wing, there is a very well-equipped resource room as well as a band room.
The extension provides a new classroom, a general purpose room, a library, a learning support room, a resource room, a staff room and an office and store rooms.
So now we have four mainstream rooms and a resource room.
With two new classrooms, a smaller hall, and a learning resource room, the school has expanded and updated its facilities, allowing for more peripatetic teachers in the old building.
The program is noted for serving only a small subset of a student population and ineffective in a resource room setting.
Access to a special education classroom, often called a self-contained classroom or resource room, is valuable to the student with a disability.
It includes a theatre, gallery space and computer resource room.
In addition, there is a resource room with teaching materials and videos.

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