Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für sensualist im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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sensualist <a sensualist; sensualists> SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He is both a raw sensualist and cultured man in love with the written word.
She writes: sensibility is indeed the foundation of all our happiness; but these raptures are unknown to the depraved sensualist, who is only moved by what strikes his gross senses.
His mission is to rehabilitate materialist and sensualist thinking and use it to re-examine our relationship to the world.
I am an architect, a constructor of worlds, a sensualist who worships the flesh, the melody, a silhouette against the darkening sky.
He is neither sensualist nor preacher.
She was a sensualist who cared about how her clothes felt to wear as well as how they looked to others.
The man is a sensualist and an enabler.
But there are also grounds for classifying it as among the book's sensualist poems.
During this period, she was also exposed to sexism and economic discrimination through her involvement with a manipulative member of the society whom she later termed a baffled sensualist.
He is not an aesthete, not a gourmet, not a sensualist.

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