Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Members paid fifty cents a month, or $1 per family. 80% of this paid for health insurance, while the remainder went into a sinking fund to cover members' burial expenses.
The sinking fund is a pool of money reserved for emergencies and major works on common property.
Income remaining after expenses safeguarded in a conservatively managed sinking fund (reserve) that the founders established.
According to the ministry, proceeds of the bond would form part of the sinking fund established by the government to repurchase or redeem specified debts.
Ensure units have low body corporate fees, an appropriate maintenance plan and ample funds in the sinking fund.
There was no sinking fund established for major repairs, and where these were required, often one of the couples could not financially contribute.
Previous administrations had paid for the excess by using money from the federal government for war claims by the state and money from the state's sinking fund.
Debt payments can also be made in the form of sinking fund provisions, whereby the corporation pays annual installments of the borrowed debt above regular interest charges.
That big interest bill, however, is mitigated by the city's use of a debt-repayment mechanism called a sinking fund.
In addition, he presented a solid argument for the establishment of a sinking fund, accumulated through regular deposits and used to pay the interest and principal on the national debt.

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