Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für snorer im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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snorer <a snorer; snorers> SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In cases like this, it is a snorer's partner who suffers but the snorers themselves are pretty oblivious to it.
It is sometimes said that snoring is not a problem of the snorer, but a problem for those that sleep with them!
You must also know that this muscle gets well exercised by nocturnal snorers.
The public court of disapproval is unequivocal: children are less desirable passengers than even corpulent people, snorers and men who sit with limbs spread wide.
Children from poorer families and those who were breastfed for short periods of time, if at all, were most likely to be persistent snorers.
If the snoring noise is reduced in this position, then you are probably a tongue-based snorer.
Many snorers don't have sleep apnea, which causes a person to frequently stop breathing for brief periods during sleep.
The new (and already departed) passenger turned out to be a heavy snorer.
The snorer is often made fun of, which can make snorers self-conscious and may, in extreme cases, lead to isolation.
If your partner is a snorer, encourage them to seek treatment.

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