Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für stretcher-bearer im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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stretcher-bearer SUBST

stretcher bearer MILIT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His schoolmates -- smartly dressed in their blazers -- became temporary stretcher-bearers, carrying the 18-year-old to a waiting ambulance.
The local hospital was also badly hit, forcing the wounded and stretcher-bearers to gather in front of the building.
He removed him to a place of safety and also brought in a stretcher-bearer who was wounded by the same sniper.
I managed to get back to our trench and the stretcher-bearer dressed the wound.
Later in the day he organised and led stretcher-bearers to bring in the wounded whom he had dressed.
They served as stretcher-bearers during tough fighting, and one time a live shell blew across the stage they were on.
He was a stretcher-bearer on the front line.
He called a non-commissioned officer and a stretcher-bearer, but was dead before they had covered the few paces that separated them from him.
He was a pacifist but worked on the frontline as a stretcher-bearer, ferrying those who had been injured in battle to safety.
He went forward and stayed for over an hour with a badly wounded signaller lying out in the open under shell fire, until the stretcher-bearers could fetch him away.

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