Englisch » Arabisch

tamp VERB

tamp ELEK
tamp ELEK
tamp ELEK

tamp SUBST (instruments & machines)

tamp SUBST (instruments & machines)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Either moist subsoil that contains enough clay to become cohesive when tamped, or an angular gravel or crushed volcanic rock is used.
The ground that would form the house floor was moistened and then tamped with a fencepost to flatten and harden it.
Tamp printing is used to create highly detailed replicas of their originals.
With other hand, fill pot with moistened bark mix, tamping to firm.
The mixture is consolidated into a mould using an air-driven, or electric, tamping device or vibration under pressure, which is much like the formation of natural sedimentary rock.
One pound of explosive powder wrapped in paper was pushed into each hole, tamped down, punctured with a sharp needle, and a fuse added.
The filling was usually left high, with final condensation -- tamping down -- occurring while the patient chewed food.
Some sources even list the goods manufactured by the company, i.e., tamping bars, claw bars, picks, and shovels.
The tamping unit consists of tamping tools (arms or tines), a hydraulic vibration motor, a vibration shaft and an eccentric flywheel.
Following this, tamp the surface with pestles or stamp with feet randomly to even out the surface.

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