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Übersetzungen für tapered wing im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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tapered wing LUFTF

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is a short (low aspect ratio) tapered wing having little or no overall sweep, such that the leading edge sweeps back and the trailing edge sweeps forward.
Adult falcons have thin tapered wings, which enable them to fly at high speed and to change direction rapidly.
It had a low, straight tapered wing; no flaps were fitted.
The shoestring differed in approach to the 66 sq ft wing limitation, choosing a longer high aspect ratio tapered wing compared to the stubby wings of others.
Like all sphingids it has a powerful, streamlined shape with long tapered wings.
It is a cantilever mid-wing monoplane, with straight tapered wings mostly swept on the trailing edge and set with 1.5 of dihedral but no washout.
Its is a mid wing design with straight tapered wings.
The wings are a constant chord design, with tapered wing tips.
It is a low wing monoplane constructed largely of composites, with straight tapered wings tipped with winglets.
Like other high performance gliders of it day, it was slow to come out of turns and with its strongly tapered wing, prone to tip stalling.

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