Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für the Grantor im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Arabisch » Englisch)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A conveyance of land held adversely to the grantor is champertous and void.
The grantor (also called settlor, trustor, creator or trustmaker) is the person whose trust it is.
However, the grantor may have a future possessory interest.
A right of pre-emption is a type of preferential right to purchase at a fixed price or at a price at which the grantor is prepared to sell.
They reciprocated with a return gift to the grantor-chief as the seal on their agreement.
But, if there is a reversionary interest, the age of the grantor now comes into the valuation of the retained interest.
Generally, if the grantor retains an interest in the trust, then for estate and gift tax valuation purposes, his retained interest is valued at zero.
The grantor (also referred to as settlor or trustor) is the person who creates and funds the trust.
Some commentators suggest that the additional gifts can be avoided by having the grantor indemnify the trust for the mortgage debt.

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