Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für the middle class im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

While the middle class still in illiteracy (which reflects in our society today).
In 2008, he was shortlisted for the award in international reporting, for a series of investigative articles on the state of the middle class around the world.
They were also aspiring landowners, and, like the middle class in many feudal societies, supported the kings in their centralization of power.
It's a huge sticker shock to the middle class.
The second generation of new immigrants will often enthusiastically forsake their traditional folk culture as a sign of having arrived in the middle class.
This defined the middle class that no longer had the material need to cling to past life standards to form a cohesive society.
Wolf has focused on issues such as health care, employee benefits, the economy, and empowering the middle class.
This income level later became a focal point for debate over what defined the middle class.
I'm the only candidate who's fighting for the middle class.
Most of the medical students come from the middle class families, bringing with them their middle class biases and blinders.

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