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transact business in VERB

transact business with VERB

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Updates are transacted by appending a temporary transaction header and then updating the header as the last step.
The bill specifically made no distinction as to the manner in which the sale is transacted.
Commercial activity in the harbor, which included pirateering, could have been transacted simultaneously in any of a number of tongues.
When trading resumed, some of it was transacted in temporary new locations.
Around the dock was transacted the chief mercantile business of the town.
Such channels include: retail stores, online stores, mobile stores, mobile app stores, telephone sales and any other method of transacting with a customer.
The sales were transacted as deeds of cession, often accompanied by bribes, malpractice and cheating by land agents.
In addition, it is not necessary that either house transact any business during these intermittent meetings.
They are single-price because all orders, if they transact at all, transact at the same price, the open price and the close price respectively.
The farmer whose land has been fraudulently transacted has a right to compensation and damages from the state government whenever fraud is discovered and reported.

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