Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für transience im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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transience SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He is known for making a number of vanities paintings depicting transience of this life, with such ephemeral symbols as flowers and candles.
The artist in him understands that every moment is changing and leaving the imprint of its transience on the inner mechanism of the body.
Transience occurs during the storage phase of memory, after an experience has been encoded and before it is retrieved.
Sometimes interpreted to indicate nostalgia, the "ubi sunt" motif is actually a meditation on mortality and life's transience.
Nearly all still lifes include to a greater or lesser extent the aspect of vanitas, a lament about the transience of all things.
The entry of foreign domestic workers is controlled through strict enforcement of a guestworker policy of transience.
The pristine landscapes and seascapes suggest the power and permanence of nature in contrast to the relative transience of human life.
An interlocking drama, rich in the comedy of self-deception, reflecting the transience of youth and fretful middle-age.
The poem concerns the troubles and transience of life.
The rays of the setting sun on distant cliffs emphasize the transience of time.

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