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Übersetzungen für vacuousness im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are only as good as the scandalous vacuousness of dead and buried coffins.
But it also took a very "objective" viewpoint that took the structural features of white-collar work, and showed how they naturally revealed the vacuousness and bankruptcy of work.
I don't think there's any excuse for their vacuousness and their lack of information.
In a new interview, the singer bemoaned the state of radio and expressed concern over the vacuousness of today's music and its effect on younger generations.
It's true that modern action blockbusters are routinely criticized for their vacuousness -- for privileging spectacle over meaning.
Everywhere is vacuousness and vapidity, everywhere the illusions and entertainments that get us from here to the grave.
I struggled to feel any sympathy for a character whose selfishness was matched only by her vacuousness.
The line quickly became famous, accepted as a slogan by aesthetes but used against them by critics who sensed in it a terrible vacuousness.
This has brought to a head all those outward forms of modern life, whose vacuousness and corruption are now beginning to disgust us.
That's when it really hits you -- the loneliness of immortality, the vacuousness of permanence, the tragedy of seeing things come into existence and wither away.

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