cognizant im PONS Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The school places a high priority on students becoming proficient in problem-solving, skilled in advocacy, and cognizant of global implications.
Information technology typically progresses at a fast rate, leading to marketing managers being cognizant of the latest technological developments.
Cognizant of her love of reading, he chose books for her to read and set up a small library for her.
It is important for providers to be cognizant of patients health beliefs and practices without being judgmental or reacting.
The distinguishing difference is the degree to which one remains cognizant of the actual physical environment as opposed to a dream environment.
The conservation professional should be cognizant of laws and regulations that may have a bearing on professional activity.
In lucid dreaming, we are only (or mainly) cognizant of the dream environment, and have little or no awareness of our actual environment.
In lucid dreaming, one is only (or mainly) cognizant of the dream environment, and have little or no awareness of our actual environment.
Cognizant's revenues in 2002 were $229 million, and the company had zero debt with $100 million in the bank.
As it is an island environment limited in size, visitors are asked to be very cognizant of wildlife and behavior.

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