man-to-man im PONS Wörterbuch

man-to-man Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

While the role of first and second defenders are rather similar, the third defenders' role is very different in zone defence and man-to-man defence.
In terms of defending passing plays, a corner will be typically assigned to either zone or man-to-man coverage.
The idea is to try to shut that player down by forcing them to score against a dedicated man-to-man player, and a supporting zone.
Two defensive backs then have coverage responsibilities, either with deep halves or man-to-man with the offense's receivers.
It aims to create man-to-man match-ups with the receivers and compensate for an undersized offensive line.
It is a risky defense that mixes the man-to-man and zone defenses together.
An aggressive variation of the man-to-man system is known at the ten man ride.
When used in cooperation with the man-to-man defense it can disrupt any offense and lead to many scoring streaks.
Fierce man-to-man fighting in streets, buildings and staircases continued for months.
The two armies met and the battle began with man-to-man combat between one soldier from each army.

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