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Übersetzungen für Greenwich Mean Time im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Greenwich Mean Time [ˈgrınıdʒ ...] SUBST [常略作 GMT]

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The prime meridian was used to establish Greenwich Mean Time, upon which all other time zones now depend.
Noon is the annual average (i.e. mean) time of this event, prompting the inclusion of mean in Greenwich Mean Time.
For nearly 130 years Greenwich Mean Time has been the standard used to set every watch and clock in the world.
This was before the railways made it essential for everywhere to be operating on the same time - set as Greenwich Mean Time.
All times used in this section are Greenwich Mean Time.
Whilst the academic calendar causes teething issues, it is the gap between local and Greenwich Mean Time that gives me the most grief.
This practice was responsible for the subsequent adoption of Greenwich Mean Time as an international standard.
This meridian divides the country into two almost symmetrical areas and represents a 4:30 hour offset from Greenwich Mean Time (meridian 0).
In fact, as of yesterday at 3:13 pm Greenwich Mean Time, the media dropped the email scandal entirely.

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