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Übersetzungen für NVG im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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NVG Abkürzung von night-vision goggles

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

After the planned acquisition NVG planned to install new windows, re-paint the exterior, improve the lobby and the 9th and 10th floor amenity areas.
It can be extremely difficult to find the origin of historical clothes like those currently on show at the NVG.
We recently received the necessary approvals from various governing bodies that will permit us to proceed with the NVG trial.
The goal from all NVG training is to prepare the aircrew to fly the NVG mission safely and effectively.
But they required snapping a camera onto NVG eyepiece.
An NVG mount can be installed in place of the visor during flight.
The early NVG models weighed about 14 ounces.
Everyone had left by that time and the police were only able to recover some letters and clothes which had the initials NVG on it.
Aircraft must be equipped with NVG lighting or modified with a temporary NVG lighting harness.
Everyone had left by that time and the police were only able to recover some letters and clothes which had the initials NVG on them.

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