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peeping Tom SUBST

II . peep1 [piːp] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Then they have the effrontery to blame the on-field microphones and cameras for peeping.
He was known as a peeping tom, with one neighbour recounting how he would prowl around at night, looking in people's windows.
Suddenly her eye catches the face of a little girl peeping nervously from a 3rd floor window.
That's where the consenting adult bit comes in and whether the government has any right to be peeping into the bedrooms of consenting adults.
This peeping tom is turned on not by naked bodies, but naked fear.
He is discovered and claims that he is a peeping tom.
Before hatching, the hen can hear the chicks peeping inside the eggs, and will gently cluck to stimulate them to break out of their shells.
The peeping tom had no flow, no dough.
Nouns for people who are associated with intrusive behavior include gatecrasher, interloper, peeping tom, persona non grata, encroacher, backseat driver, kibitzer, meddler, nosy parker, marplot.
It is the action of a peeping tom.

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