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Übersetzungen für Polaroid im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

One of his favorite media was and still is the Polaroid.
Type 55 negatives are the famous source of the Polaroid frame look.
In 1989, they made a notable improvement on Polaroid instant film technology.
A large format Polaroid, which is transferred through a complex process to a heavy, rough-textured hand made paper or canvas, produces the image.
It is one of the largest format cameras currently in common use, and used to be hired from Polaroid agents in various countries.
Instant movie film was an engineering achievement but it's precisely what separated Polaroid techies from Polaroid pragmatists.
A press release stated that she would be the new face of Polaroid.
The legend of 20x24 Polaroid instant imaging occupies an important place in late 20th-century photography.
In 1972, Polaroid introduced integral film, which incorporated timing and receiving layers to automatically develop and fix the photo without any intervention from the photographer.
Exceptional variations include instant films such as Polaroid and thermally developed films.

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