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Übersetzungen für V-Day im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The speech was part of V-Day, a global activist movement to halt gender-based violence.
And one in five (20 per cent) even said it's acceptable to make V-Day their first date.
V-Day takes an individual's race, religion, ethnicity, culture, sexuality, social class, and gender into account.
After five years of local activists attempting to promote awareness about the violence, V-Day finally put a spotlight on the incident and made it a global issue.
This year, despite no moral brigade vehemently protesting or intervening into the couples celebrating love, the city portrayed a dull look on the V-Day.
The customers we spoke with say the storms won't snuff out their V-Day fire.
The event was held on the 15th anniversary of the V-Day movement.
Amid the growing craze for V-Day celebrations, it's men that end up spending more to pamper their loved one than women, reveals a survey.
Most literary works published about the V-Day movement are critical of the movements, its ideas, and its methods.
It's less than 48 hours to V-Day -- just enough time to book a romantic getaway.

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