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Übersetzungen für achieved im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Passenger numbers were reasonable in the first year of the venture, but low compared to those achieved by the established services.
The turn of events dramatized a changing of the guard in film criticism, as a younger generation of critics achieved clout and prominence.
This can be achieved only by toxic agents, although the drinking of them is to a certain extent deleterious to our nature.
The way he reached 100th hundred may have been unimpressive - but that does not take the shine out of the other 99 that he has achieved.
Their introduction was also described as a well-intentioned attempt to portray a wider range of black characters than had previously been achieved on the soap.
This can be achieved through, for example, the imposition of a green tax, a cap and trade program, or higher fuel taxes.
Several studies point towards the possibility that a critical density in certain orbital bands has already been achieved.
Other processes, such as fast-track legislation, have taken the place of the legislative veto and achieved the same effects.
This is achieved by stopping photochemistry, which allows researchers to measure fluorescence in the presence of non-photochemical quenching alone.
Under his management, the group has achieved a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 30%.

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