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Übersetzungen für acquittal im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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acquittal [əˈkwıtəl] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The six strongest cases were brought to trial first, but the two criminal trials resulted in the acquittal of the defendants by all-white juries.
Despite his acquittal, some of the parents involved remained convinced that he was guilty.
Following the acquittal, an internal police disciplinary inquiry cleared the officers of any wrongdoing.
But he wins a new trial, then a complete acquittal when a lone juror holds out.
Special review is not possible if there has been an acquittal.
He publicly apologised to soccer fans after his acquittal.
The evidence against the four suspects, however, was not considered strong, leaving open the chance for an acquittal.
Eventually, the defendant may be convicted even if the public prosecutor requested acquittal.
Upon notice of the acquittal of the person charged, or notice of the charges having been dropped, the bureau shall immediately reinstate the suspended permit.
The accused party is then forced to outbid the prosecutor in order to get either bail or an acquittal.

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