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Übersetzungen für active service im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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active service SUBST, active duty

Beispielsätze für active service

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She was acquired in 1984 and is in active service as of 2009.
Hull 401 (and possibly 402 as well in the near future) has been retired from active service by 2005.
The bill protected the benefits of state employees called into full-time active service.
However, he did not see active service and was released on health grounds at the end of 1943.
Like almost all her sister ships, she was decommissioned shortly after the end of the war, and never saw active service again.
It is co-located with the active service trolleybus depot.
During the next 12 months of active service she steamed over 13000mi km and undertook various duties.
His feat earned him promotions and finally commands, but a period of ill-health forced his temporary retirement from active service.
It operates 290 ships in active service and more than 3,700 aircraft.
For twenty-three years he ministered to these congregations, and then retired from active service, spending the remainder of his life among his former parishioners.

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