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Übersetzungen für ad hoc im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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ad hoc [ˌædˈhɒk] ADJ ADV

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The steering committee forms ad hoc working groups as needed to organize events, draft statements and do other work.
The debate on the committees report starts within 15 days, at the latest, since the notification of an ad hoc daily agenda.
This invokes the creation of and ad hoc value net, which replaces the more traditional value chain.
The troops were an ad hoc collection of detachments, which had not been exercised together.
Additionally, party members maintain a number of small ad hoc networks addressing specific issues.
As they depend less on a rigid schema, they are more suitable to manage ad hoc and changing data with evolving schemas.
Postponed games or continuations of suspended games can result in an ad hoc one-game or five-game series.
The terraces and foyers of the theatre complex have also been used for ad hoc experimental performances.
Public transport is scheduled services on fixed routes, while private is vehicles that provide ad hoc services at the riders desire.
To elicit customer/user input, frequent scheduled and ad hoc/impromptu meetings with the stakeholders are held.

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