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Übersetzungen für advanced level im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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advanced level SUBST

advanced level → A level

Siehe auch: A level

Beispielsätze für advanced level

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The sectional heads operate under his guidance individually appointed to primary, secondary and advanced level sections.
The same source reports that anti-corruption laws are not effectively enforced and corruption exists at an advanced level.
A large number of students study science and mathematics; the school is among the 20 best schools nationally for participation in advanced level science courses.
Since 2000 he has held yearly basic- and advanced-level photography courses, usually transferring to the advanced level some of the pupils of the basic courses.
They need to choose a good disciplesomeone with tremendous virtue who is truly capable of cultivating to an advanced level.
Over 80% of full-time students take advanced level (level 3) courses.
They will participate in classes and seminars with other students, visit businesses and experience the culture of the country all at an advanced level.
Heyday was very successful at a young age, competing at the advanced level at the age 6.
Progress to an advanced level of about 4 6 weeks duration followed after roughly 3 or more years field experience.
The range of subjects on offer at this level enables all students to keep their career options open until they embark upon advanced level courses.

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