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Übersetzungen für advise im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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advise [ədˈvaız] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We would still advise people to avoid using sunbeds or getting sunburnt at any time of day to reduce the chances of developing skin cancer.
The caller will then advise that the debt can be settled but a legal fee in excess of $5,000 must be paid.
Currency was regulated and as he had an excess of out-of-work civil servants, formed committees to advise him in the running of the colony.
Their expert advisors are on hand to advise on fit and shape and so all in all they make jeans shopping easy.
In terms of the degrees being recognized by employers, the institution's FAQ stated that we can not advise you about such details.
Equity capital market practices traditionally advise in a full range of equity, debt equity-linked, hybrid, asset-backed, credit-linked and derivative products that are offered in capital markets.
It is also asked to assess the adequacy of the available data and advise on the need for further research.
They can give you your flu jab, advise on how to take care of common childhood illnesses and how to take your medicine.
This authority would establish a national carbon registry, reduce emissions, boost energy efficiency, and advise local governments on climate change mitigation measures.
They also advise private individuals, trustees and intermediaries on the contentious and non-contentious business and personal legal issues they face.

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